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Från: Constance Shiaka []
Skickat: den 22 juni 2004 17:50
Till: Tanja Boström
Ämne: Under a Zambian sky

Message from Mick using my Zambian agents e-mail



Hi from Shamabinga (means place of happiness), my
guest house in Kitwe.

Arrived in Lusaka at 6.30am Saturday morning to a
bright orange sunrise and a tempreture of 8 degrees C,
it's winter time here with a daytime tempreture of
around 25 degrees C. I use the Intercontintal Hotel in
Lusaka as my oasis before going up to the copperbelt
mining area. Lusaka is a typical sub- saharan African
city, bustling with all different mixes of people from
the very poor to the very rich. Almost everyone has a
smile despite all their hardships etc. The Lusaka
roads have recognisable African names such as Cairo
Road, Kafue Road and the compulsary Independance

Flew from Lusaka to Ndola on Monday in a small 18 seat
propeller aircraft. Got a great view of the African
bush and the landscape during the flight. You get a
great perspective of how vast Africa is with endless
orange and brown soil, lush vegitation and dirt roads
that go straight for as far as the eye can see.

My guest house is in the district of Kitwe on the edge
of the mining area so it goes out into the bush. The
sun goes down at around 6.30pm after which its time
for the compulsary sundowner drinks of brandy & coke
or gin & tonic. Night time is all a mixture of sounds
of birds going to sleep, different animals, reptiles
and insects coming out to play and always dogs
barking. I always find this first night difficult to
sleep. I killed the biggest insect you've ever seen
this morning with my boot, it was just like out of the
famous James Bond movie where he gets the spider.

The copper mines cover a very large area of the North
East of the country and is known as the copper belt.
Its noisey, dusty and with fairly good roads
connecting the mines etc. Along the roads you have
local people selling fruit and vegitables to the lorry
drivers who drive huge trucks belching black smoke out
of their exhausts. Massive termite mounds are a
regular sight as you travel down the roads taking your
life in your hands as you pass these huge trucks.

Saw the football last night on Zambian TV. We will now
have to see what Sweden do. Please give yourself a big
hug from me but be sure you will get the hug when we
next see each other.

Sorry about the length of message, just feels good to
talk to you again, (its in the chemistry).

See you very soon (hopefully)

Mick. Memories

Från: []
Skickat: den 19 december 2004 11:38
Till: Tanja Boström
Ämne: Chemistry

Tanya moy lubov

44 e-mails in 8 days since 14-12-04, endless sms, how many since 1-6-04 when I
wrote to you thanking you for the best time that I had ever had in Sweden, has to be thousands.
I'm sure some people do not communicate this much in a lifetime and learn so much about each other.

What an incredible 6 months since the Traction meeting, I can still see you now from the time we
got onto the boat, found each other, started talking together about anything. Me telling you that I
did not like to do the last presentation of the day and pleased when the guy from bombardier was
nominated to do the last one. Doing my presentation and looking at you in the audience because
you knew how I felt and winking at you with my eye as I finished and went back to my seat.
Sitting with Thomas between us at dinner and thinking how nice you were and how easy it
was to get on with you, and becoming aware of the chemistry between us as we sat and ta
lked, and then getting the tingle as our arms touched when Th left and we sat next to each other, (it felt
like a wow then).
Your don't touch my leg and we don't dance like this in England. Then finally sitting next to each
other in Marie's room drinking some beer, just felt like we were so comfortable with each other even then.
Me going for a walk down to the lake wishing it was with you and watching the sun rise. Our meeting at
breakfast and taking coffee outside, walking around the island talking when ever we could, it was all
so easy. The boat ride back and me saying to David Fearn that I was going to sit with Gunilla and only
wanting to talk with you, and then as you left the boat forgetting your bag, and me not wanting to say
goodbye. A lonely day with Th and C the next day and the Scientist in my car at Manchester Airport
playing exactly how I felt.

After this all I wanted to do was see you again and the next opportunity was going to be Berlin as you
told me you were hoping to go with Pantrac. E-mails to Thomas to find out if it was ok for me to join him
and trying to make sure that we stayed in the same hotel.

Then Zambia, (the map is in your diary, wanted you to know the places I go to). Africa again, arriving
in Lusaka, early morning and knowing that I had to make you feel what the real Africa is like. Flying up
to Ndola over this endless bush and then the drive to Kitwe writing my letter in pen first to make sure
all the descriptions were correct and that you could sense what it is like. Sending the e-mails from my
agents address in his internet cafe using Connies e-mail address which became only our address as all
the business e-mails were on the Brucosa address. Telling you all at Karma about the football competition
and that the winner got whiskey and the last got the hug, you wanted the hug which was just what I wanted
to hear. Getting your e-mails in this hot dusty place was just so exciting that this brilliant Russian girl
was returning e-mails to be in Zambia amongst smiling African's and dusty copper mines.

Back to the UK, e-mail, sms's between us, my walks in the country thinking about you. Your vacation then
in Spb all the sms and then brilliant news you got e-mail connection laid on the floor of your mums room.
Your descriptions of Spb, your friend Katya and all that you were doing. Me asking if you could take some
pictures, (wanting to see you
flying) and then the news that you were staying another week, this while I was on my vacation in deepest
England with no sms signals available and walking km's to get one only for it to disappear and return again.
Your last week in Spb when we both knew that what we had discovered was something that was so very special
and unique that we had to let the chemistry develop its natural way. Our sms's when I went out into town
with my friends, look into your eyes, smell your perfume, touch your skin, kiss your lips and you knew
exactly what I was saying.( the most incredible chemistry between two people).

Finding out about Th strategy meeting in September and knowing that I had to come just to see you, and then
you telling me its your birthday and that you wanted us to be together. ( one of the best days ever ).
Taking hours to find the correct card for you, ( wanting it to be something special and reflect all the class
and style you have).
Planning flowers for delivery to Sweden and getting Russian translations, then finding out that you were not
going to be in the office on the day to take the delivery, (panic, panic) can delivery be changed ( yes
eventually after calls to flower shop in Sweden from shop in UK ). Our first time in 272 we both just

knew that the chemistry was perfect and that we had to be together, life best present. How close we were,
how easy it was to talk, to laugh, to look at each other and to become one together, (perfect chemistry).

Back to Berlin, seeing only you when I came into the hotel, kissing your cheek and the other people
on the table shouting. Innotrans, just could not keep away from you, then 533 brilliant nights being
able to hold you all night, VVBG shirt, it means something in Russian, Th believing it.
Endless tramway ride, paparazzi, and the perfect Chemistry picture, Holding your hand in taxis,
TV Tower, ( its closed, its not closed, its closed, its being cleaned ), Helmut and Tina holding
hands with a big wish from us to be on our own, arriving back at the hotel with Th still in lobby
and then Helmut still there as we tried to meet in 533. TES always finds emergency routes, stairs etc,
just has to get to TRS. Last day our first tears as we left each other, we knew then that we were
survivors and that this chemistry was stronger than we ever thought it could be.

More e-mails, more sms, more telephone calls, brilliant telephone calls, knowing exactly the right
things to say at exactly the right times.

Viking Challenge 50kms on the bike with you, without you it could not have been done, spasibo.

Norway and Sweden in October, hotel bookings plane flights PA plans TRS & TES plans,
sms from Norway to you, constant communications and then brilliant we see each other,
unbelievable chemistry, incredible days and nights 272 again. Taxi rides to restaurants,
Paganini for the first time then dancing in Stampen, electric excitement between two people
who created this aura of chemistry around us. Friday night 272 just sleeping together,
the perfect thing to do at the perfect time. Walking in the park just talking, holding hands, superb times,
just soft and tender.
Arlanda again ( M hates airports ), we knew that we were going to be strong.

December was all about us, planning, wanting to see each other so badly, getting things just right,
272 it just had to be ( then realising when we spoke that I lived in a house with 227 as the number
with my mum and dad). Wish lists completed, meetings arranged, everything about us, having doubts if
journeys would be completed, TRS knew they would, (second sense). Seeing each other on Thursday,
best day ever, my beautiful Russian girl at last. Giving gifts (we both knew the effort that went
into them both and knew that nothing need be said to tell each other). Tanya's plans perfect.
TV tower fish and coconut, great choice, Paganini's again, Exploring old town, Ice Hotel,
Tanya big coat then feeling naked outside, people always looking at us, subway rides,
bus rides, I Mex cinema, lions of the Kalahari, Africa again, wow.
Champagne, wine, laptops on the bed, snow pictures, my work, kissing your back and
neck as you work, ( naked ).
thousands of kisses, hugs, Mr Mc Feast what a guy, 272 BFE, Arlanda Airport, we are strong,
people watching, passport control, people sharing our chemistry, unbelievable, kissing you so soft,
saying ya tebya lublu. Long journeys back, both of us hurting but knew we would survive, then must
do phone calls to share each other.

More phone calls, sms and then Tanya's e-mail today ( always the perfect words), M's tears in office
and phone calls, plan's for next year.

Tanya my love, I wanted to do this today, you are my days, my nights, my good times, my bad times,
my work,
my friend, my perfect chemistry, my forever. Have a nice Christmas and New Year, talk to Katya.
and thanks for the best year of my life.

Tanya ya tebya lublu my Star, my Tiger, my TRS, my VBG, my VVBG, my Lubov xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From:                    Mick Ayres
Sent:                      25 January 2005 11:36
To:                         ''
Subject:                 TES life for TRS
Tanya moya l---r.
Spasibo for the conversation last night, it made me feel so close to you, I thought about you all night and it confirmed that I have to write this e-mail. I write this with a total commitment to honesty and trust in the knowledge that my life is safe in your hands, only you know how difficult this could be but with you my love its not difficult at all and feels like the nicest thing to do.
So here it goes.
My Grandparents were all English with my mums father being a coal miner, had hands like shovels and a very tough man, served in the army during the first World War and when questioned about would never talk of the horrors but told me once when questioned by me and my cousin that yes he did shoot a German soldier, (something I will always remember). My mum mother stayed at home looked after the kids 4 girls, played piano for them, ( I never knew her as she died before I was born), They were the first family in their village to own a car. My dads father worked on the railway and was a station master, very proud man who stood very straight, ( I never knew him as he died when I was a baby). My dads mum raised the kids 2 girls 1 boy and then later in life went back to work in a cotton making factory. All my grandparents are now no longer alive.
My Parents
My dad left school started a first job and then got drafted into the army, spent 2 years in Germany after the 2nd World War in the tank regiment as a tank driver mechanic, always said he had a good time, but never talks about it much, I found some pictures years ago with him and some other soldiers outside Belsan Concentration Camp, ( never questioned him about it). After the army worked for Goodyear the tyre company and then as a diesel fitter until he retired at 58 to spend more time with my mum. My mum stayed at home looked after me and my sister until we were at senior school and then started to work for a company that sold cars. Stopped working later and stayed at home, died when she was 58 same age as my dad just as they were going to start and enjoy some life together after many years of hard work and bringing up kids.
My Sister and Brother
My sister's name is Julie is 5 years younger than me, has birthday 14th Sept as you know, is married (husbands name Melvin) and has 2 daughters (Lisa & Katie), both girls left school and in jobs. My younger brother is a complete twat, don't like him, treated my mum and dad like scum, stole money from my dad and became a drug addict, I have no idea where is is and have no wish to find out or ever see him again.
My Childhood
I have to say that I had a very happy childhood, was born 9th May 1955 ( and yes I have always had some issue about my age ) in a private maternity hospital and went first of all to live with my parents at my dads parents house for about 6 months until my mum and dad got their first rented house. Moved house a couple of times until I was 9 years old when they bought their first house number 227 from which they lived and I lived until I was 19. Always had 1 holiday a year with my parents always at the sea, can only remember my parents being really angry once which was when I disappeared for a day at 12 exploring where different busses would take me and ending up in the next city, found my way home but by this time everyone was going crazy. The rest of the time was lots of fun, lots of space and freedom, and laughing with my mum. My dad always had to play the strict father and as a kid we never really had the bond that I had with my mum.
School Days
School was always pretty good, liked doing the normal things boys do, football, sports, played in the school football team, ( we won the interschools cup one year at junior school. At senior school still enjoyed playing sports, developed my interest in aircraft, decided I wanted to fly but was never going to be clever enough so gave it up as a bad idea. Academically was never going to be the top of the class but was average in the top forms all the way through school with the best subjects being art, technical drawing, history & geography. At 15 when studying for my final exams ( we take them at 16 ) decided to leave school, the main reason being that our maths teacher was going stupid and giving us work that we had been doing 2 years earlier, ( logs and antilogs, basic stuff ). At this point enough was enough and decided that the best way to progress was through Technical College. Had a few of the usual girlfriends at school, can only remember a couple of their names, first was Ann Greenall ( she had really long blond hair, rode horses and we saw each other off and one for about a year), the other girls name was Andriea ? was the worst kisser you could imagine ( horrible). just remembered a 3rd girls name Lynn Marriott ( had very long legs in a short skirt ).
Work, College and Life After
So at 15 I decided to make my way in the World, decided that the best course to take was engineering and thought electrical engineering would be better than mechanical. Got myself an interview with a company called British Electrical Repairs Limited ( BERL ). Must have done ok because the Manager of the company offered me a job as an engineering apprentice at the Chesterfield facility which included a first full year at Technical College and then day release for another 4 years after that if I showed good progress. First day at work can still remember it, David Fearn of Lambeth Commutators was my Chargehand in the workshop ( now you can see for how long David and me go back ). Work was good, enjoyed it, David was a good boss, college was fine but after the first year day release and night classes were the hard way to get the results. It was when I was about 18 that I decided that a carrier path was needed and set about putting it in place.
Carrier Path
So I had to get onto the carrier ladder, hard work and being in the right place at the right time was essential and the BERL Chesterfield works was the place to be as the range of work, type of work etc was so varied and the Manager was the most successful in the company. At 20 I was asked by the manager if I would take on the role of Chargehand from David Fearn as he was progressing up the ladder to. Accepted without any hesitation which put me in charge of 14 men and apprentices and at the time I was the youngest appointed Chargehand in the company. After a couple of years that its now time to really start and plan the carrier and decided that the long term goal was to manage one of our companies repair workshops and get out of Chesterfield. ( All this was done during my first marriage, but more of that later ). At 25 I was asked again by the Chesterfield Manager to take on a new position of foreman in the works which gave me both electrical and mechanical departments to run plus more people. This set me off on the 5 year carrier path route and I decided that every five years a new role and move up the corporate ladder was required. At 30 I got my first opportunity to manage a full electro mechanical workshop which was in Birmingham, and took me away from Chesterfield which was great. Again I was the youngest District Manager BERL had. At 33 was asked to move again to a much larger workshop as District Manager this time in the capital city of Wales called Cardiff, old workshop, many problems but got sorted eventually. At 38 took on the role as Business Development Manager for 2 sites in Wales, 1 in Cardiff where I had a new factory built to replace the old one and 1 in Swansea which was again a nice modern facility. At 39 the opportunity was presented to me to run the Newcastle upon Tyne facility which was the biggest in the group, had 1 major repair workshop and 2 manufacturing businesses which included the coil business. This took me up to 1996 when WYKO bought BERL and a time for review. Started to run WYKO'S Coil, Copper and Aviation Cables business which involved my works in Newcastle and a works in London. Developed our overseas business, got control of our agents etc. 2001 moved over to the Business Development Team which is where I am now.
Relationships, Marriages, Families etc
Girlfriends not that many really, met my first wife when I was 16 ( her name was Sandra ), went together off and on for about a year and then got more serious. Decided to get married when I was 19 nearly 20, bought my first house and moved to another house about 2 years later. We both had carrier ambitions as she was a radiographer and wanted to teach and you know what mine was. After about 6 years things started to fall apart, Sandra saw someone else and we decided that divorce was the best thing as we could divide our possessions and having no kids it would not be that messy. No lawyers involved just the 2 year separation process that you have to do in the UK. I moved out of our house to go back to my parents and the guy she was seeing moved into my house. ( I was not impressed with this but decided to forget it and move on ).
I decided that now I didn't want to get involved in any serious relationships and needed some time to find myself, get to know me again and start to rebuild again. Everything was not all plain sailing and easy and many nights involved being to drunk, sitting up all night talking to friends and when I look back on it alot of it was good and some of it was sheer hell, saying that I would not now change any of it as it helped to give some serious life experience. Me and my friends spent the time doing things when ever we wanted, going where we wanted, weekends away camping, the GP car races, some travel abroad, generally having a good time. Only girl that I liked in this time I went out with for a couple of months whose name was Christine Prime, great character, nice looking but is was not to be, so I got dumped, again one of life's experiences.
After about 3 years of finding myself I met this girl who came to work at our company in the offices ( her name was Della ) we got on very well and decided that it would be good to go out. We started going out and in did become more serious, went on holiday a couple of times, then after about 2 years things started to go down hill even though we had discussed getting married. It was my decision to end the relationship which is what I did, it was just the best thing to do ( again no kids no ties ).
This is now where my wife ( Jane ) comes into my life because she is the twin sister of Della. Our daughter Rachel (11) years old was born in Cardiff and our daughter Belinda ( 8 ) years old was born in Newcastle upon Tyne (Alnwick really but its close to Newcastle and as you know they now go to the senior and junior schools in Chesterfield.
Tanya now I have met you which was completely unplanned, never anticipated, and found someone that is just so special in my life that I consider my future is with you at sometime in my life, and yes I know and understand that it takes time. Some of he questions that I ask myself is, when will we be together, where will it be, what will we do, none of which I have any answers for, all I know is that one day it will happen for sure.
My love I felt that I had to write you my story today following on from our conversations yesterday and now I really trust you with my life. I have no secrets from you and you now that you can ask any questions about me, my life, my feelings.
This e-mail would be impossible with anyone else but you and I thank you for being the only person who can access my inner thoughts and emotions.
Sent with so much love
Your Mick, ya tebya lublu my star xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
TES Wish List
Travel into space, do a space walk.
Talk to my mum.
Live in the sun near the sea, don’t know where (TRS hopefully one day).
See the world from the top of Mount Everset.
Fly in a Spitfire.
Read more books, (Ernest Hemingway).
Learn to ride a motorbike again.
Do a charity bike ride each year.
Stand on Ayers Rock Australia.
Learn to swim.
Own an Aston Martin.
Finish rebuilding my house.
See Tigers in the wild from an Elephant.
See my kid’s graduate at university.      
Visit Spb.
Go to the Le Mans 24 hours race.
See Rome & Vatican City.
Explore Pompey.
Holiday in Sorento.
Ride the Blue Train in South Africa.
See Berlin from (TRS’s) TV tower.
Do a parachute jump.
Ride in a bobsleigh (Cresta Run?).

To be with my Mick every day and every night


To start my own company


To visit India,Brazil,Italy (Rom, Venice, Florence) (visit Italy together with Katya who can speak Italian)


To go by car through Europe

To see my kids healty and happy


To celebrate New Year in Saint Petersburg every year


Want my grandmother stays alive as long time as possible


To ride a horse


To steer a plain


To speak Spanish?


To visit England – to see the place my Mick come from


To live in some place with warm climate and near sea.

Total Memories: 9
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