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Från: []
Skickat: den 14 mars 2005 09:34
Till: Tanja Boström
Ämne: My VVBG 533


Tanya, Tanya, Tanya. ( so nice, so nice, so nice ). my love, my love, my love


Stay close your Mick who loves you so so much.


This is going to be the time when we find out who the real friends are and who are just making up the numbers.

Tanya I will survive this, for you and us, I know its going to be tough, difficult and its only just started but people have yet to find out how strong I can be when I know what I want, and what I want is you. Its just going to take time, but between us we will both get what we want which is a future together.


Te quierro, te amo, je t'aime, I love you, ya tebya lublu.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx memories1
Mick Ayres
tanja.bostrom []
13 December 2005 12:37
Mick Ayres
SV: My lubov our 2005 year YTL x:xxxxxxxxxxxxx
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: []
Skickat: den 13 december 2005 13:26
Till: Tanja Boström
Ämne: My lubov our 2005 year YTL xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tanushka my lubov.
My zvedza I'm just so full of feelings this morning, and just had to write them down.
From Tanja to Tanushka this year, my love what another fabulous year with so many
happenings. Looked through my diary this morning and saw the first time we met this
year was Valentines day in 272, what a memory, our first Valentines day together. The
weather was all snow and I went with Bjorn down to Bevi Group and we talked together
in Bjorn's car as he drove back, he had no idea at the time about us, the deal with
Bjorn was that we had to get there and back in the same day. Af ter that it was the
meeting with Thomas when everything had to be explained, a crazy night of snow
scooters and erashes and you my love, sending sms's to your crazy guy. Then my
telephone call to you from Ockelbu, Thomas inviting us to dinner at his house with
Carina, asking you my zvedza if it was ok for you if we went, it felt so good for me
when you said yes, it was such a feeling of great support that you gave me during this
telephone call. So it was to Thomas and Carina's a great night of singing and dressing
up and our first kiss in front of friends captured on camera.
Next day my girl on her snow scooter, I will never forget listening to you as you
drove down the lake so fast and so full of excitement, a first for my star driving a
snow scooter. We stopped in the woods held each other so close and kissed then back to
the lake for a final blast of speed down the lake. Disaster what the ---- has happened
everything stopped in a loud crash. Big decisions what do we do with this thing out
here then rescue as Thomas arrived we repaired the scooter, put its new belt on and
went back to the house all the time saying that it was positive that it broke so near
the house and not on the mountain, I'm still not sure if it was us or Thomas that we
were trying to convince. Next day we said our goodbye's to our friends, we were just
so happy and so full of each other. What happened next was so unexpected as we slid on
the ice and the red jet left the road and buried itself into snow. Again disaster what
the ---- has happened, are you ok was the first words we said to each other then where
are we and how is the car. No chance of getting the car out, shall we dig, call Thomas
and then our 2 angels from Ockelbu arrived, can we help, "yes please" no problem,
chains appeared we got pulled out, they said "goodbye" and disappeared never to be
seen again.
Later we both make big decisions, we have to tell our families that this is the end,
and its time to start new lives.
Its now April and time to visit my girl again but visiting Oslo has to be don e with
Thomas and Viking first. It felt so strange this time to know that I was in
Scandinavia, so close to you but unable to hold you in my arms, the feeling of wanting
you was incredable, even as I went around this go-kart track with Viking, and all
through the meetings with Mantenna and Thomas. Again it was 272, we just could not
wait to see each other, we met outside Bromma as you told me you were on your way, The
first meeting is always so incredible, we kiss and hold each other in 272 feel so
close to each other then the phone rings, red jet has a mind of its own and decides to
leave its parking place. What the ---- again. More phone calls, police etc, all gets
sorted ( its never dull ).
We make lubov in 272 its always a wonderful experience. My love decides it would be
nice to go to Mariefred and take me to this place that she likes so much. lts a great
day and a great place and yes we have to stay in this place. So its booked and we come
back, the picture of you my lubov with your short skirt on as you lay on this big
Mariefred bed will always stay with me, you looked sensational, and the desire to have
you was so intense.  We
always know that we have no limits to our lubov and our feelings and wherever we are
we show how much we desire and want each other all the time. Next day a great day,
another important discussion my love say's that she is my girl, it was so important
and so nice to hear, and again will stay with me forever, this is unbelievable love,
desire and respect for each other we have.
June see's us back in Marifred our little house again another great place, and its
confirmed that Mariefred is our place and will always be our place. We walk hand in
hand through this place talking, laughing, making plans for our future, more great
---, then dinner. We fall asleep across the bed, wake up later in each other s arms
still in our clothes, where did the night go, we always feel so comfortable together
no-matter where we are or what we do. Your guy fly's from Stockholm to Holland,
important meeting for me there, how I got through it I will never know because all I
wanted to do was be with my girl.
And so to Berlin, one of our cities. We meet at Tegal, your guy has been the re 1 day
aIready, put coat hangers in the wardrobe for your clothiers which was so nice to do,
met Helmut Pinger, been to the exhibition and now the time is all our's. We walk and
explore this city. All the monuments, churches, eat ice-cream at the AvIon hotel, lie
in the grass outside the Reichstag, eat noodIes in the park, look into each others
eyes and see so much love for each other. We walk and get wet visit this amazing
church in old Berlin, watch volley ball, see Bugatti's, Alex asks what sort of car you
got him as Ferreri's and Lamborghini's drive past us as we drink coffee ( sorry guys
and cars ). We complete a wish list, and visit our TV Tower felt so great to do, to be
there together in this place that we wanted to be in for so long, and of cours e we had
to have dinner there and see Berlin by night.  We
said bye in Berlin and security were never going to move me until I had seen your
plane leave, tears all the way in our planes back. God we love each other so much.
July saw some big changes in our lives as my girl gets the apartment, it was so hot,
so sunny, and the red jet just became a truck for the month and my girl a super hero.
My love what you did in this time was amazing and I just admired you so much for all
you tlid.
Our apartment, this place has be come the place now that your guy calls home, its a
wonderful warm place so full of our love, our energy, our chemistry and the place
where we have had so many laughs, so many discussions, so many nice days and nights
where we just hold each other in front of the tv, my girl just with her shirt and
jeans on feels fabulous. This is the place where we have great --- as always, where we
have explored each other so much physically and mentally, where we have cooked
together, dished together, and fell out together, but always loved each other so much,
our moaning bed, our breakfasts which are great times together, our baths and our
dinners. lts a special place in my life and it will always be so thanks to you my
love. lts also the place where I met your kids who are a great credit to you my star.
August and September your guy comes home to you my love to this great place you have
created, meet Alex and Anastasia again which is so good to do. My love this is our
place, and you are my life, We have our future discussions and discuss what we will do
for the rest of our lives together, nothing is left that we do not talk about. Leaving
is now so difficult that we have to do something about it because we now know that if
we do not then we will become so over powered by this feeling it will make us so iII.
Plane journeys are now a nightmare.
October Your guys in Saudi Arabia, we talk every day from KSA and which feel s
wonderful, we share every moment together of our days in these conversations from KSA
hotels in Bahrain, Al Khobar and Jeddah. l'm coming home to my girl from KSA such a
brilliant feeling to know that home is with you my lubov. We share our days at Karma,
our nights at home, we meet some of your friends and hold our first dinner party which
is so good. More great --- the beds moaning again. We decide that we have to have a
strategy plan, our list is made, its a great list of words and statements that define
all our thoughts and feelings from our past to our future together which is going to
be till the end of time.
Another week together was a great feeling, it was not planned, just had to be done, we
loved each other so much this week at home. We never leave now just do our work and
come back home to each other, this was such a brilliant thing to do this list. We
visit Stockholm at night and see this incredible sunset as night comes and must have
our picture taken together, finding people took a little time but we succeeded and now
have this great memory of this great sight that we both shared together and held each
other as we saw it. We must not forget Pagganini's its become our restaurant. We
shared oysters for the first time for both of us, the y tasted so different to what we
both expected.
Your guy lost his girl, never before has a feeling hit me so hard. This love is so
strong its so precious and so unique.
November its back home again this time your guy s vacation time, coming home to my
love, relaxing, talking making love is what we want ed to do, we make plans for
Christmas, our Christmas will be together, and yes another wish list is to happen we
will go to Rome for New Year, feels amazing. More time is spent with Alex at home, it
snows and we have snowball fights at night as we walk. He is a great kid my love well
done. Bed moans again but who cares we love each other and explore each other more. My
girl your body is amazing and I love every mm of you, your warm, soft, passionate and
so desirable that I just have to have your body.
And so to December my love, its back home again and we spend the time relaxing,
talking, making our future plans, we discuss getting married in the future and make
our plane for Christmas. Going to Ocklebu with Alex for Christmas Day and Boxing Day,
going to watch my girl skate on the ice. going to your friends for Christmas Eve, (
this is going to be different). And then to Rome for the start of our New Year.
My love what an amazing year we have done so much, and our love has always been the
most important part of what we have done, we have got so much strength from each other
for this year, and our passion and desire for each other just gets stronger.
My love, my girl, my future never leave me, always be by side, I am yours till the end
of time and will love you forever.
See you next week at Skavsta.
Ya tebya lublu so so much your Mick, your guy, your future
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Big Wow
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
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